Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog

Add a little hygge to each month

Hello, it’s Kristine here. I am so excited to be sharing my very first post with you. My aim is to add a little hygge to your month by inspiring you to do something that makes you smile… That’s the essence of HYGGE, which is so difficult to explain, but very easy to feel!

Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog

Being Danish HYGGE is an integrated part of my life – it’s in my DNA. I was brought up experiencing the HYGGE that my grandparents and parents filled our lives with.

A part of my HYGGE if the following of seasons; harvesting in Autumn, preparing for
Winter, celebrating Spring and gathering in Summer. It’s these preparations, repetitions and
traditions that for me lead to the feeling of hygge. 

I love that the year has a rhythm. The Scandinavian culture is full of traditions and
celebration of nature’s wonders. We celebrate the shortest day with Santa Lucia –
a candlelight parade performed by the children singing and wearing white robes  – very often outside in the snow. The longest day, Sankt Hans, is marked by bonfires in the evening along the coast and in every town in Denmark. At Sankt Hans the Danes gather around the fire – there will be a public speech and then a sing along celebrating the long summer nights and our beautiful country. 

Ever since I moved to Australia 13 years ago, I have tried to keep some of these
Scandinavian traditions, but have also created new ones, inspired by the exquisite nature and climate of Australia.

In this Journal I will share my dreams, ideas and projects for each month. It will be filled with my favourite recipes, small creative projects and some new and old traditions. 

I hope you enjoy your read. Don’t forget to subscribe to my Journal and stay in touch  

@lindbjerggraphic on Instagram!

[definition of hygge]

a quality of cosiness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling
of contentment or well-being (regarded as a defining characteristic of Danish culture).

Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
Let's hygge Lindbjerg Graphic Journal Blog
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